Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tied oneself in Knots

Even on the best days, yours truly is at best dressed: Note that I am not using the word "well" here because even the most charitable folks will never use that word: even if they are lying. You may be the most proficient lier (lawyer??) but even then, calling yours truly well dressed is simply not possible: it is akin to violating the laws of Thermodynamics.. simply not on! So why am I like this? Several reasons but chief among them being:

  1. The reality that what ever I do, I will remain unattractive - at 5 feet nothing, a pot belly and a body with nothing home to write about.
  2. Being intrinsically lazy: I have been a big fan of the word efficiency since my childhood, the thought that efficient things do less to achieve more is extremely attractive. In fact, I am a big fan of perpetual motion since that involves achieving something without doing anything! In perpetual motion, science is completely aligned with my basic philosophy of doing nothing!
Having set my position vis a vis dressing up, let me tell you how dressing up has hounded me for the first 14 years of my life: Well not quite the first 14, to be precise it was from age 4 until age 14, my school days. I used to go to a school with a British heritage and the staff there had a rather stiff upper lip outlook to life - well the stiff upper lip was usually well supplanted with corporal punishments of all sorts, but that is another story. So in my school, we were since kindergarten, expected to be well dressed, disciplined blah blah  and had to wear a tie and a coat each and every day! We were taught how to make the "double knot": and a well made double knot always resembled a samosa! So each morning of my school life, I used to make the double knot - of course incentivized by the thoughts of the Samosa! The result of this daily exercise is that I can now make the double knot even in my sleep!

The interesting bit about this story comes now: The other day at work, I was visiting the rest room where I saw a guy (a European no less!) having tied himself in knots (pun fully intended!) ... and yours truly could not resist lending a helping hand. And here I was, like an expert, making the double knot as this European bloke had to attend a meeting with some officious blokes and needed to look officious himself! So I tied the knot for him, he was left thinking how a badly dressed guy like me could make a reasonably good knot, and I left him with the thoughts of the Samosa!